
relationship suck sometime part 3

so it only takes  so it only take a male to get over relationship one month?? come on really ?? for us women two or three months one month bitch about him and cry to your friends about him. the second month getting to know who you are and what makes you you in the first place and when it comes to the third month we are ready to go out again and just meet new people slowly.  start to date again but still not willing to open up to some close yet?  so what you think of this????  

relationship suck sometime part 2

why ? why us girl put our self  thought this if a guy not interest in you just move on like they do. don't try get them back leave the relationship with some respect for your self. don't look needy because they would not think much of you. be glad that have dodge that bullet. so just dust your self off take what yours and smile and more on. don't try all the tricks in the book to get him back once it over it over. if you feel like you want to call him call a friend instead to bitch about him or get your favor DVD out with a glass of wine and some chocolate and take care for your self.

relationship suck sometimes

why does us women fall for guys that treat us bad for? we are much more smarter not to put up with it. one friend has guy only comes around when i suites him. doesn't matter how many times we tell get rid off him she still puts up with. because she think she is in love. come on that's not love. love is when the guy treats you with respect and cares what you