
forty someting

When you feel that you don't know if you can keep going, how are you going? Do you turn up your life upside for what just to make yourself happy or keep hoping things turn out how they should go?  Is happy everything craps up to be? Let's face it, happiness is everything that should be.  What price do we give up all for happiness, and how do you know if you will be happy? The grass is not greener on the other side, but it could be. You see, when you are fifty's and forty-something, the very one you meet has baggage for the last relationship and the one before. Relationship before that one as well.  In real life, bringing a busload of baggage to the next relationship, as much you try to leave it on the bus and forget about you, can't it always going to be there in the background. Then you have to think if you should air it out one piece at a time so it doesn't make this relationship go down the same track all the time? Do we have the baggage from the last relationshi

Old school grunge music died a little bit more.

So in my teens there was a big explosion of this music called Seattle grunge. What was it? It was a sound that we ever heard of before. What did it sound like for me? If The Doors , The kinds ,Black Sabbath  and Sex Pistols had a big love feast the result would be Seattle grunge. That's what Seattle grunge is to me. So what bands come from Seattle grunge? Well bands like soundgarden, Pearl Jam,Alice In Chains, The Presidents of the United States of America and others bands as well. For me the first time I discovered Seattle grunge was when nirvana hit our airwaves. With smells like teen spirit. I was fourteen going on fifteen years old the year it came in 1991. I thought wow this music gets how I feel. Then I discovered soundgarden and that blowed my mind away. Then in 1994 I ever forget, I was in grade 11 walking into class saw RIP Kurt cobain. Was in shock for that morning. Then as a seventeen year old trying to figure out why did he do for? Then you find out the reason why and

Going Back to Work after having children.

I worked up until I was five months pregnant like most women would if they could. because of health reasons to do with my thyroid went over active and the baby was getting stress. so I had 3 months of bed rest and every week going to the doctors.  what hold after childbirth I was ever was a prepared for the roller coaster what you go thought before and after it. Before  I left work I through I be back at work in 3 or 6 months after having a baby. But in realty that wasn't the case, you see once the nurses put that tiny small human being in your arms. That moment your life has change for ever. Because now you are responsible for this life. You want to do everything in your power to protect it from harm. In somewhere between being in hospital and being at home. Something changed or it just happen, I deiced to be stay at home mum. Because I preferred to look after my own child than have someone else looking or going back to work to look after someone else child. wonder what i
Spring is coming. Sitting here just looking out the window see the pale grey clouds coming apart from each other like they shouldn’t be there together. With a small patch of pale blue sky coming though, with the sunlight slowly sneaking in. I follow the golden ray of light soft warm sun shining following down that ray light upon it laid on so small bud. With the winter rain dropping falling off it like little tidy tears, that they must cry a hundreds time in the rain. But now with soft warm golden ray of sun shine lying on the soft pale pink bud. Slowly warming up we looked at the bud seeing the beauty that lies inside it. You see over winter it is dead inside oh just waiting and buying time to shine again. You see we are so much like that buds, most of dies inside through out winter just waiting and waiting for our time to come alive again. You see that soft pale pink bud will slowly blossom into the flower for all us to see. Then one by one those soft pale
ok on facebook i have see children dance costums well lack of clothing for young children and young teeenage. why do they have to look sexual at young age for why can't they just look like pretty young children without all that make up. I get worried who goes to the dance to see this anyway. I am scared that wrong people turn up  to these things? why the mums and dads say NO  my girl is not wearing this to sexual looking for her age. it all about dancing not what they wear. when are the dancing teacher going to grown up and let children dress like child not mini adults. not saying dancing is bad but how it come across as. so many children don't look comfortable in the costumes anyway.  a little bit lipstick and eyeliner is OK but that is.

Jen Cloher - Mount Beauty - official video


Mumford and Sons - Where Are You Now (unplugged) Hobart 23rd Oct 2012

 The other day I had a chance  to go and see this band in concert at Hobart town. omg what a concert to see for a very long time. the lighting on the stage blow me away.