Going Back to Work after having children.

I worked up until I was five months pregnant like most women would if they could. because of health reasons to do with my thyroid went over active and the baby was getting stress. so I had 3 months of bed rest and every week going to the doctors. 
what hold after childbirth I was ever was a prepared for the roller coaster what you go thought before and after it.
Before  I left work I through I be back at work in 3 or 6 months after having a baby.
But in realty that wasn't the case, you see once the nurses put that tiny small human being in your arms.
That moment your life has change for ever. Because now you are responsible for this life.
You want to do everything in your power to protect it from harm.
In somewhere between being in hospital and being at home.
Something changed or it just happen, I deiced to be stay at home mum.
Because I preferred to look after my own child than have someone else looking or going back to work to
look after someone else child. wonder what is my child doing now.
So then 8 years that I wasn't working what did I do?
for the first 4 years of my child life, I took each day has it come having this little baby for 24 hours each day and night is very overwhelming. On top of all of this I had postnatal depression went untreated because it was hard to be pick up. Because I have thyroid problems and it was so over active when my little girl was 31/2 years old I had radio active treatment for it. I had to be away from my little one for a week while 
  the radio active iodine.
For me felted like a month that week, but I ever was ready what come next.
my little one after that week when I came back she ever let me out of her eye shot.
This bring a whole other ball game to us.
you see each time I left her at mum and dad place or any place I had to leave something of mine so she, knew I was going back to her. I left my keys to a lipstick or lip gloss. Sounds silly but that was only thing would make her happy.
You see separation anxiety settled in with her and for me. So I decided to put her in child care one day a week before she started kindergarten.
This help no it didn't help only made it worst but we didn't stop doing every week, we drop her of every week say our goodbyes quickly and go. Each time I walk out that child care room my heart break into million pieces but I knew she was in good hands made it a little bit easier.
so I had one day all to myself first I didn't know what to do with. I was missing her like crazy, so I counted down the hours until the time I was able to get her. But that change a little bit been a year she was going to child care when I started to think of myself. She would start kindergarten the following year and what should I do with myself?
I just start to think what I can do? I could get a job something new than child care this when all changes was coming though.
I was thinking I couldn't be a child career anymore. But as a friend point out I was doing child care 24/7 with my own child. As we all know child care is not for everyone. there is differences between looking after one or two to 25 or 35 kids in one room.
so what I choose go back to tafe and finish of my  Certificate III in child care.
So I started looking into and it was two days a week at tafe. So it work out well rose still go to child care on that day and the other day she went to school.
Take me two years completed because my little girl's anxiety set in more. so many times going to school and on the way she was being sick in the car. So many  times she didn't make it to school and I had to stop my studying so I was they to drop her off at school and there for pick up.
I got my Certificate III at the end, but didn't go back to work until she was settle in school more.
That was last year she was so I apply for work in child care and got a job.
But it turn out I had anxiety about starting work full of emotions. I feeling happy,sacred and unable to breath.
But I ever was a prepared what to come, how I was treated yes I came across work place bullying. this person didn't tell what going in the work place, when I ask a question look at me like an idiot and I should know that. This person has talk about I was no good  in front of parents and the children and other staff members. I just keep turning up when I got asked or when I was roster on. 
If I was a not good I wouldn't have parents saying hi or the children coming up and saying hi as well.
so I just want to put it out there. just be nice to mothers or fathers coming back to work


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